The chart below includes scenarios that identify possible evidence candidates may be able to collect for Task 2: Instruction in the Virtual Learning Environment. Candidates should also review Frequently Asked Questions: Completing edTPA in a Virtual Learning Environment that address topics such as Completing edTPA in a Modified Schedule, Maintaining Confidentiality and Security in a Virtual Learning Environment, and Supporting Students to Use Online Tools and Platforms.ĭecision Chart: Task 2 Evidence in a Virtual Learning Environment The guidance outlines the flexibility in the technical formats allowed and explains how candidates may submit equivalent forms of evidence to meet all edTPA Handbook instructions and requirements. To help make this determination, candidates should review the Evidence Requirements and Considerations for edTPA in a Virtual Learning Environment, which also includes subject-specific considerations for various handbooks (e.g., early childhood, physical education, special education). In addition, programs and building level administrators (for unaffiliated candidates) must determine if the virtual learning environment will allow candidates to capture acceptable forms of authentic practice and relevant evidence to be scored according to the edTPA rubrics. The teacher candidate must consult with their program faculty/instructor or building level administrator (for unaffiliated candidates) and P–12 partners to determine if the virtual learning environment is an appropriate and viable option for both candidates and P–12 students.

The edTPA program has a "Virtual Learning Environment" option available to teacher candidates who prepare and provide instruction to students in virtual environments. Requirements and Considerations for Candidates Completing edTPA in a Virtual Learning Environment